
Expand your knowledge of video and music formats for Mac Os with in-depth articles from professionals and Elmedia player developers.

Movie has higher fps than min screens interval I can select in Elmedia

You can select screenshots interval in Preferences. However, the minimum screenshots interval which you can select using the slider is 0.1 sec.
Jan 12, 2023

Why does a Flash movie keep playing even though “Repeat” option is disabled?

Find out how to fix the issue when Flash movie keep playing even though "Repeat" option is disabled.
Jan 12, 2023

Duration of SWF files displayed in frames, but FLV files are measured in seconds

Due to some differences between SWF (Small Web Format) and FLV (Flash Video) formats Elmedia Player displays the duration of currently played files differently.
Jan 12, 2023

Playing SWF Files on Macs with Apple Silicon

Find out how to play SWF Files on Macs with a Silicon M1 and M2 Chips.
Jan 12, 2023

Multi-channel Sound Settings

Learn how to fix the issue with multi-channel sound reproduction while using Elmedia Player.
Jan 12, 2023

How can I find out whether I’m using PRO version or not?

Here you can find a detailed guide on how to check whether you are using PRO version of the player or not.
Jan 4, 2023